Job vacancies — apply now!

The com­pany helag-elec­tron­ic gmbh belongs to the Boysen Group, which employs around 5,300 people at 28 sites all over the world and is one of the fast­est grow­ing inter­na­tion­al auto­mot­ive industry sup­pli­ers. helag-elec­tron­ic has spe­cial­ized in the devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­ture of com­pon­ents of high-per­form­ance con­trol­lers, sensors and elec­tromech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents for the auto­mot­ive industry since 1975.

At our site in Nagold, Ger­many, we are cur­rently look­ing for qual­i­fied and ded­ic­ated people to fill the fol­low­ing respons­ible positions…

Your responsibilities

  • Design and devel­op­ment of con­trol solu­tions for our assembly and test­ing facilities/li>
  • Pro­gram­ming of our test­ing facil­it­ies based on .Net and indus­tri­al controls
  • Cre­ation of related documentation
  • Com­mis­sion­ing and optim­iz­a­tion of the facilities
  • Point of con­tact for oth­er departments

Your profile

  • Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of a degree in mechatronics/information technology/electrical engin­eer­ing or a com­par­able edu­ca­tion (e.g., tech­ni­cian training)
  • Pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in plan­ning and PLC pro­gram­ming accord­ing to IEC 61131–3 (prefer­ably STEP 7 TIA or Twin­CAT 3) is advantageous
  • Good know­ledge of .Net programming
  • Will­ing­ness to occa­sion­ally under­take short busi­ness trips
  • Com­mu­nic­at­ive, goal-ori­ented, and reli­able work­ing method
  • Very good Ger­man lan­guage skills
  • Eng­lish lan­guage skills

Your benefits

  • Per­form­ance-based com­pens­a­tion as well as vol­un­tary bonuses and allow­ances or a com­pany pen­sion plan as well as sub­sidies for asset-build­ing payments
  • Attract­ive cus­tom­er port­fo­lio with premi­um brands
  • Excit­ing per­spect­ives in the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of high-per­form­ance con­trol units, sensors, and elec­tromech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents for the auto­mot­ive industry
  • Strongly grow­ing cor­por­ate group
  • Secure work­place as part of a medi­um-sized and inter­na­tion­ally oper­at­ing found­a­tion com­pany with a focus on sus­tain­able growth and con­sist­ent job security
  • Indi­vidu­al train­ing opportunities
  • Free employ­ee parking
  • Sub­sid­ized meals in the canteen
  • Employ­ee discounts

Your responsibilities

  • Ana­lyze, design, optim­ize and imple­ment pro­cesses, meth­ods and tools accord­ing to Auto­mot­ive SPICE
  • Mod­el pro­cesses and meth­ods using suit­able mod­el­ing tools (e.g. stages)
  • Coordin­ate and con­trol work pack­ages with­in pro­cess groups
  • Pre­pare and sup­port pro­cess changes and imple­ment new meth­ods and tools
  • Devel­op and carry out neces­sary train­ing courses
  • Cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing documentation
  • Par­ti­cip­ate in reviews and assess­ments of the imple­men­ted processes

Your profile

  • Degree in indus­tri­al engin­eer­ing, busi­ness inform­at­ics, eco­nom­ics or mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing, or equi­val­ent qual­i­fic­a­tions such as state-cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cian in a rel­ev­ant field (e.g. mechat­ron­ics, elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing, auto­mot­ive engineering)
  • Exper­i­ence in pro­cess devel­op­ment accord­ing to ASPICE, e.g. through pro­ject exper­i­ence or certification
  • Know­ledge of func­tion­al safety accord­ing to ISO 26262 and/or cyber­se­cur­ity accord­ing to ISO/SAE 21434 is desirable
  • Good ana­lyt­ic­al skills, quick com­pre­hen­sion, con­vin­cing appear­ance and strong com­mu­nic­a­tion skills
  • Use of pro­ject man­age­ment tools
  • Con­vin­cing appear­ance and strong com­mu­nic­a­tion skills

Your benefits

  • Per­form­ance-based com­pens­a­tion as well as vol­un­tary bonuses and allow­ances or a com­pany pen­sion plan as well as sub­sidies for asset-build­ing payments
  • Attract­ive cus­tom­er port­fo­lio with premi­um brands
  • Excit­ing per­spect­ives in the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of high-per­form­ance con­trol units, sensors, and elec­tromech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents for the auto­mot­ive industry
  • Strongly grow­ing cor­por­ate group
  • Secure work­place as part of a medi­um-sized and inter­na­tion­ally oper­at­ing found­a­tion com­pany with a focus on sus­tain­able growth and con­sist­ent job security
  • Indi­vidu­al train­ing opportunities
  • Free employ­ee parking
  • Sub­sid­ized meals in the canteen
  • Employ­ee discounts

Your responsibilities

  • Ensur­ing the imple­ment­a­tion of all leg­al require­ments, espe­cially ISO TS/IATF 16949:2016
  • Pre­par­a­tion, par­ti­cip­a­tion, or mod­er­a­tion of risk ana­lyses in the form of pro­cess or product FMEA
  • Hand­ling com­plaints and war­ranty cases
  • Eval­u­ation of qual­ity-rel­ev­ant data and pro­vi­sion of qual­ity reports and documents
  • Point of con­tact for our cus­tom­ers regard­ing qual­ity-related issues
  • Con­sult­ing and sup­port­ing the depart­ments in qual­ity mat­ters accord­ing to val­id stand­ards and regulations
  • Root cause ana­lyses and determ­in­a­tion of meas­ures as well as veri­fic­a­tion of the effect­ive­ness of imple­men­ted qual­ity measures
  • Devel­op­ment, con­tinu­ous improve­ment, and mon­it­or­ing of qual­ity object­ives and their achievement
  • Pro­mo­tion of qual­ity aware­ness with­in the company
  • Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the con­tinu­ous improve­ment pro­cess (CIP) in close coordin­a­tion with pro­duc­tion, devel­op­ment, and oth­er departments

Your profile

  • Suc­cess­fully com­pleted mech­an­ic­al or mechat­ron­ic train­ing or com­par­able tech­nic­al qualification
  • Rel­ev­ant pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in qual­ity man­age­ment in the auto­mot­ive industry advant­age­ous * Know­ledge of industry require­ments accord­ing to
  • IATF 16949 and VDA standards
  • Ideally, pro­fi­cient in the use of Auto­mot­ive Core Tools and qual­ity man­age­ment meth­ods (Ishi­kawa, Pareto, 5Why, 8D, APQP, FMEA, PLP, MSA)
  • Good under­stand­ing of indus­tri­al man­u­fac­tur­ing processes
  • High self-motiv­a­tion and flex­ib­il­ity, abil­ity to work inde­pend­ently and results-oriented
  • Very good Eng­lish skills
  • Hands-on men­tal­ity

Your benefits

  • Per­form­ance-based com­pens­a­tion as well as vol­un­tary bonuses and allow­ances or a com­pany pen­sion plan as well as sub­sidies for asset-build­ing payments
  • Attract­ive cus­tom­er port­fo­lio with premi­um brands
  • Excit­ing per­spect­ives in the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of high-per­form­ance con­trol units, sensors, and elec­tromech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents for the auto­mot­ive industry
  • Strongly grow­ing cor­por­ate group
  • Secure work­place as part of a medi­um-sized and inter­na­tion­ally oper­at­ing found­a­tion com­pany with a focus on sus­tain­able growth and con­sist­ent job security
  • Indi­vidu­al train­ing opportunities
  • Free employ­ee parking
  • Sub­sid­ized meals in the canteen
  • Employ­ee discounts

Your responsibilities

  • Inde­pend­ent devel­op­ment of new test­ing applic­a­tions from concept to seri­al test­ing of our products
  • Stand­ard­iz­a­tion and optim­iz­a­tion of test­ing applications
  • Con­duct­ing cap­ab­il­ity stud­ies and cal­ib­ra­tions of test equipment
  • Cre­ation of asso­ci­ated documentation
  • 2nd level sup­port for test equip­ment in seri­al operation
  • Con­tact per­son for oth­er departments

Your profile

  • Suc­cess­fully com­pleted degree in elec­tric­al engineering/electronics or com­par­able edu­ca­tion (e.g. tech­ni­cian training)
  • Know­ledge of .Net pro­gram­ming lan­guages required
  • Pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in the field of elec­tric­al test­ing tech­no­logy required
  • Will­ing­ness to occa­sion­ally travel on short busi­ness trips
  • Com­mu­nic­at­ive, goal-ori­ented, and reli­able work style
  • Very good know­ledge of German
  • Eng­lish lan­guage skills

Your benefits

  • Per­form­ance-based com­pens­a­tion as well as vol­un­tary bonuses and allow­ances or a com­pany pen­sion plan as well as sub­sidies for asset-build­ing payments
  • Attract­ive cus­tom­er port­fo­lio with premi­um brands
  • Excit­ing per­spect­ives in the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of high-per­form­ance con­trol units, sensors, and elec­tromech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents for the auto­mot­ive industry
  • Strongly grow­ing cor­por­ate group
  • Secure work­place as part of a medi­um-sized and inter­na­tion­ally oper­at­ing found­a­tion com­pany with a focus on sus­tain­able growth and con­sist­ent job security
  • Indi­vidu­al train­ing opportunities
  • Free employ­ee parking
  • Sub­sid­ized meals in the canteen
  • Employ­ee discounts

Contact details

Please send your applic­a­tion (prefer­ably via email) to:

helag-elec­tron­ic gmbh • F.A.O. Dr Phil­ipp Egel­er • Graf- Zep­pelin- Str. 41 • 72202 Nagold • Ger­many • Tele­fon: +49 (0) 7452 / 824–

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